Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hope they realize it the next time......

The more research progresses, the more you develop. This fact has made many discoveries and inventions till today. These days there are numerous problems regarding national security for many nations. If I talk about India, then I would say that India has fought against terrorism for 60 years and has not succeeded much in stopping these attacks.

Recently, in Mumbai,there were attacks at the Taj Hotel & the Oberoi Hotels by a group of terrorists, the operation of the commandos took almost 50-60 hours to safeguard the hotels. This time could have been reduced to 20-30 hours if the commandos were equipped with newer, technologically improved weapons.

Primarily, the problems faced by the commandos were at night. Even the Night vision cameras were not giving much result. After the completion of operation, the scientists revised the event and suggested that, if they would have used "Infrared Technology", they would have finished the operation in a shorter period. High Definition Digital Imaging Cameras are the best cameras which may help the security agencies in such operations.

This technology is really ahead of all the current camera and imaging technologies of today's world. High Resolution means that the pixel structure is more dense i.e. there more number of pixels in given area than other camera. Imaging technology can be perfect in these kind of situations and can give you an extra edge over your opponents. These cameras can become your 3rd eye and may be the best eye of the three. It shows minute objects at greater distances also. Low resolution cameras may leave some smaller objects or far located objects. But, these high resolution digital imaging camera are just perfect in situations like these.

These cameras are completely different from night vision cameras, and implement infrared technology as their basic principle. It has a greater sensibility for temperatures than lower resolution cameras. These cameras should be used in some constructive purposes like in security, defence, secret missions and special operations. The governments of these highly attacked countries, should buy this technology and make their army and commandos well equipped. These cameras will improve their capability and can be useful in various ways. These cameras would make them more advanced than their opponents, and they can win over the terrorists in a less amount of time, reducing loss of life, money and property. We can hope that the government should realize these necessities and take some action, which will greatly help a country in saving itself from these kinds of terrorist attacks.

by Utkarsh Bhatnagar

About the author:

Mr. Bhatnagar is a software engineer.


Thermography in Miliatary Combat.